Current fiber-optic technology will soon be augmented to allow 40Gb/s data transmission over a single communication link, becoming the state-of-the-art in electronic systems. Several decades ago, a single link of early twisted copper pairs would transmit at a data rate of 100Kb/s. By contrast, the new communication links will transmit close to a half-million times faster.
The areas of electronics, networking and systems design are all being affected by this need for ever-higher speeds. High-Speed Systems Engineering will not only confront the traditional challenges associated with electronics and optoelectronics, but also the many unique intrinsic challenges of high-speed systems. This area will soon be inseparable from future developments in VLSI, electronics, optical systems, networking, communication and device development. Considering this, it is deeply concerning that most engineering schools still employ traditional curricular tracks for each specialization, which offer a very limited exposure to high-speed systems design considerations to undergraduates.
Iowa State University currently has the traditional areas of specialization as well as strong research activities in the areas of VLSI and optical networking. An optical system integration and measurement laboratory is also in the process of being set up. Based on their research activities, the principle investigators feel that there are many interesting and educationally attractive issues that are being investigated in the fields of optical communication, networking and VLSI. Their experience shows that students are more motivated to learn when these issues are presented as case study material at the undergraduate level. Consequently, the PIs have incorporated this concept in their classes, ranging from freshmen engineering to senior level electives. This is the central premise of the CISE education innovation program.
The CISE program proposes to introduce a new curricular approach to prepare engineers for the tremendous challenges associated with High-Speed Systems Engineering, thereby augmenting traditional curricular tracks. The PIs extensive research and industry experience leads them to believe that introducing the major concepts of high-speed systems design and highlighting state-of-the-art research to emphasize the field's importance and dynamic nature will not only enhance student appreciation for the subject, but also instill in them a unique knowledge base that will be integral in all areas of electrical and computer engineering.
A set of new classes will be established to impart the concepts of high-speed systems design and familiarize students with research results in the related areas. These classes will have laboratory sections to give students a unique firsthand opportunity for understanding the issues and major concepts in both high-speed measurement and compatibility. This understanding will be absolutely essential to future designers. Thus, the findings and new educational modules will be shared with other interested schools, programs or patrons.
The major contribution of this program will be to set a unique example of how the concept of high-speed systems design can be integrated with traditional electrical and engineering programs. Additionally, all findings will be reported at national conferences and provided via this web site.
- HSSE Lab Team
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